

The intelliWORKFLOW package is a fully customisable modular software solution that streamlines enterprise resource planning for organisations of all sizes and complexities, from SMEs to MNCs.

As modern businesses face unprecedented complexity and rapid digital transformation, we study and anticipate these trends to evolve, adapt and upgrade intelliWORKFLOW’s functionalities to seamlessly integrate multiple workflows into a unified centralised
system. From Project Management to Building and Facilities Management, Procurement, Inventory and Resource Management, Safety Compliance, Training and beyond, our modular enterprise software work package is able to seamlessly integrate intoexisting process workflows, ensuring operational continuity at all levels.


The intelliWORKFLOW package is a fully customisable modular software solution that streamlines enterprise resource planning for organisations of all sizes and complexities, from SMEs to MNCs.

As modern businesses face unprecedented complexity and rapid digital transformation, we study and anticipate these trends to evolve, adapt and upgrade intelliWORKFLOW’s functionalities to seamlessly integrate multiple workflows into a unified centralised
system. From Project Management to Building and Facilities Management, Procurement, Inventory and Resource Management, Safety Compliance, Training and beyond, our modular enterprise software work package is able to seamlessly integrate into existing process workflows, ensuring operational continuity at all levels.




  • Construction Operations.
  • Project Management.


  • Building Management.
  • Digitalised Workflows.


  • Purchasing Processes.
  • Optimise Supplier Relationships.


  • Inventory Control.
  • Workforce Management.

The intelliBUILD platform is a robust, web-based system meticulously designed to meet the unique needs of construction builders. This innovative solution provides a comprehensive suite of tools to track and manage project performance with efficiency and precision, offering real-time tracking of project milestones, budgets, and timelines, ensuring that every aspect of your project is on track. Advanced reporting features provide actionable insights, allowing you to make informed decisions swiftly.


intelliBUILD’s user-friendly interface ensures seamless communication between team members. The platform’s integrated Gantt chart and workflow notifications ensures that everyone is working with the most up-to-date information, reducing errors and misunderstandings.


intelliBUILD’s user-friendly interface ensures seamless communication between team members. The platform’s integrated Gantt chart and workflow notifications ensures that everyone is working with the most up-to-date information, reducing errors and misunderstandings.

Key Features:

Designed with modern businesses in mind, intelliPROCURE effortlessly digitalises the entire procurement process by streamlining and optimising workflows, providing an all-in one solution that handles every aspect of procurement from start to finish.


intelliPROCURE revolutionises the procurement experience by consolidating all essential processes under one user- riendly platform by managing Purchase Requisitions, Purchase Orders, Work Orders, Delivery Orders, Invoices, and Payments seamlessly and efficiently.


intelliPROCURE offers a robust suite of features designed to simplify your procurement tasks. The platform provides a centralised hub where you can easily track and manage all procurement activities, ensuring transparency and control throughout the entire process.

Key Features:

intelliCHECK is a cutting-edge software solution designed specifically for building management, focusing on electronic and M&E maintenance services. With intelliCHECK, you can seamlessly perform regular service checking to ensure optimal performance and compliance.


intelliCHECK revolutionises building management with its mobile-first approach and paperless operations. The software’s customisable electronic checklists and digital signature capabilities ensure that service checks, maintenance procedures, and approvals can be conducted efficiently from any location. This streamlined workflow not only enhances productivity but also promotes real-time collaboration among team members, reducing errors and improving response times.


With intelliCHECK, building managers can maintain meticulous records and ensure compliance with ease. The platform’s ability to generate tamper-proof PDF service reports guarantees the integrity of documentation, while the unlimited photo upload feature provides detailed visual evidence for each checklist item. This comprehensive approach to documentation not only simplifies audits and inspections but also enhances accountability and transparency across all building management operations.

Key Features:

The intelliRESOURCE is a comprehensive inventory and resource management solution an all-inone software designed specifically for the build environment industry. This powerful tool is crafted to meet the diverse needs of construction projects, ensuring that your inventory and resource management processes are more efficient, accurate, and effective than ever before.


With features such as real-time tracking, automated stock updates, and detailed inventory reports, you can keep a close eye on stock levels, reducing the risk of overstocking and ensuring that you always have the right items available at the right time.


Whether it’s transportation or personnel, you can monitor their locations and certification, ensuring that everything is where it needs to be when it needs to be there. This level of oversight helps prevent delays, reduces misplacement, and enhances overall operational efficiency.

Key Features:




  • Process RAs and PTWs.
  • Compliance to Regulations.

intelliSAFE is a state-of-the-art electronic Permit to Work (PTW) web portal, meticulously designed to ensure compliance with the stringent regulations set forth by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and the Building and Construction Authority (BCA), revolutionising the way construction projects manage safety protocols and operational workflows.


Ensures full compliance with MOM and BCA regulations while minimising manual  administrative tasks and reducing processing times in a unified digital platform.


intelliSAFE promotes a cohesive approach to safety through secured documentation and notifications, enhancing overall workforce compliance and operational efficiency.

Key Features:

Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.