
Lighting up the future of sustainable solutions in South East Asia

Fonda Global Engineering Pte Ltd signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Signify, the global leader in lighting solutions on 14 October 2024 to develop new concepts and technologies for future adoption of innovative lighting systems and solutions across South East Asia.

The collaborative partnership combines Fonda Global’s extensive experience in the design, installation and maintenance of streetlight infrastructure in Singapore together with Signify’s proprietary technologies to empower end-users with access to sustainable and innovative lighting solutions spanning Smart Infrastructure across Connected Street Lighting with Smart Sensors, Smart Poles, Connected Solar and Smart Data Centres.

This MoU marks a pivotal step in advancing sustainable lighting solutions across South East Asia and beyond. By combining expertise and innovation, Fonda Global and Signify are set to deliver forward-thinking solutions that will illuminate cities of the future, fostering smarter, greener and more connected communities.

FondaGlobal Signify LightingSolutions SMARTLighting

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