
Licenses & Certification

Fonda possesses a diverse array of Building & Construction Authority (BCA) Workheads which allow us to conduct a wide range of public sector building related projects in Singapore. 9 of our Workheads are under the maximum financial grade which allows for us to tender for the corresponding project without tendering limits (About Tendering Limits).

BizSAFE is a nationally recognised capability building programme designed to help companies build workplace safety and health capabilities.

Fonda is bizSAFE STAR certified. It recognises that our company’s Workplace Safety and Health Management System (WSHMS) identifies, manages and controls workplace risks or hazards in compliance with the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Act and international standards such as ISO 45001.

Fonda possesses 9 Ministry of Finance (MOF) issued Supply Heads of maximum financial grade which in conjunction with the above BCA Workheads also allows us to tender for a wide range of government procurement projects without tendering limits.
1. EPU/AVP/10 - Audio Visual, Photographic & Optical Products S10 >$30,000,000 (EPU S10)
2. EPU/CNE/10 - Communication and Navigation Systems S10 >$30,000,000 (EPU S10)
3. EPU/CMP/10 - Computer Related Hardware, Software, and Services S10 >$30,000,000 (EPU S10)
4. EPU/FFG/10 - Fire Fighting, Safety & Rescue Equipment S10 >$30,000,000 (EPU S10)
5. EPU/FBV/10 - Food Beverages S10 >$30,000,000 (EPU S10)
6. EPU/SER/17 - Service (Exhibition/Event Management) S10 >$30,000,000 (EPU S10)
7. EPU/SER/30 - Service (Management) S10 >$30,000,000 (EPU S10)
8. EPU/SER/43 - Service (Security) S10 >$30,000,000 (EPU S10)
9. EPU/SER/35 - Service (Training of Personnel) S10 >$30,000,000 (EPU S10)

The BCA Green and Gracious Builder Award (GGBA) was introduced to recognise progressive builders who adopt environmentally friendly practices and minimise the effects of construction for people living close to the worksite. This award also recognises the conscious effort of builders in implementing gracious practices that helped to develop a more positive image of the industry.

The BCA Green and Gracious Builder Star Champion Award recognises builders who have demonstrated exemplary green and gracious performance in their projects and consistently achieved the highest tier rating (i.e. Star Category). The pinnacle award also aims to encourage the whole construction value chain to embrace a green and gracious culture.

As a firm performing projects for Government entities and reputable clients, Fonda is committed to adhering to quality assurance and manufacturing standards that live up to internationally recognized standards.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) certification establishes credibility and trust within consumers, stakeholders and other business partners and guarantees that the certified entity meets global standards for business and trade activities. In line with this, Fonda is ISO certified for activities pertaining to our business lines including:

  • ISO/IEC 27001:2013
  • ISO 9001:2015
  • ISO 14001:2015
  • ISO 45001:2018
  • ISO 41001 2018
  • EMS-2020-061A
  • OHSMS-2020-084A

The Cyber Safe Certification Scheme is an initiative launched by Cyber Security Agency (CSA), which recognises organisations that have adopted and implemented good cyber security practices.

Revolving around People, Processes and Technology, the scheme takes on the risk-based approach with the aim to help identify and guide organisations to put in place adequate cyber security measures to protect and defend systems and operations against cyber-attacks.

Fonda Global Engineering Pte Ltd has been assessed for Information Security Activities, Associated with Integrated Facility Management, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Engineering Skills Training and Development Services, Smart IOT and Digital Security Systems, and Design and Build Services, as conforming to the requirements of CSA Cybersecurity Certification – Cyber Trust Mark.
Certificate Number: CTM-2024-027

Licensed Builders

GB1 General Builder Class 1
SB(PW) Specialist Builder (Piling Works)
SB (SS) Specialist Builder (Structure SteelWork)
CW01 General Building A1
CW02 Civil Engineering B1
CR06 Interior Decoration & Finishing Works L6
ME01 Air-Conditioning, Refrigeration & Ventillation Works L6
ME04 Communication & Security Systems L6
ME05 Electrical Engineering L6
ME11 Mechanical Engineering L5
ME15 Integrated Building Services L6
FM01 Facilities Management M1
FM02 Housekeeping, Cleasing, Desilting & Conservancy Service L6
SY05 Electrical & Electronic Materials, Products & Components L1
RW02 Lift Contractors Single Grade
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