
Celebrating 6 Years of Safety Excellence at LTA’s Annual SHE Awards!

We are proud to announce that Fonda Global Engineering Pte Ltd has been awarded the Certificate of Excellence for the Mechanical & Electrical Maintenance Safety Award (Public Facilities & Systems) at the Land Transport Authority (LTA) Singapore‘s Annual Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) Awards Convention 2024.

The convention, graced by Guest of Honour Dr Amy Khor, Senior Minister of State of the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment of Singapore, marks our sixth consecutive year receiving this prestigious recognition!

This achievement is not the end of our journey; rather, it’s a reminder of our ongoing commitment to safety excellence. The award motivates us to continuously improve, exceed our previous accomplishments and foster a robust safety culture across all levels of our organisation. Every member of Team Fonda, from the highest management staff to frontline workers, shares a unified commitment to achieving a zero-accident, healthy workplace and concern for our environment.

This success is a testament to the hard work and dedication of Team Fonda and our valued partners, suppliers, specialists and subcontractors.

Congratulations to everyone involved for this remarkable achievement! Let’s keep striving Towards Excellence together! 

#FondaGlobal #LTA #SafetyAward #CertificateofExcellence